
Takahide is a strapping male high school student who lives in the dorms. One day, Yuta, a timid and innocent guy, confesses his love for him. Just as Takahide is lost in thought about how to handle the situation, a strange man forces him to adopt a "Shinto lion." Takahide ends up searching for the lion's lost companion with Yuta, and as they do so, Takahide starts to realize how much love Yuta has for him... This is a youthful love story about how a straight boy and his classmate end up together!


Yaoi_MangaFantasyDormitoryClassmatesAnthologiesLocalized by Renta1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade

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Jugoro Isaka

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[Sold by Chapter] God's Wish (1)

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[Sold by Chapter] God's Wish (2)

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[Sold by Chapter] God's Wish (3)

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[Sold by Chapter] God's Wish (4)

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[Sold by Chapter] God's Wish (5)

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