[Sold by Chapter] Vague Synchronicities [Plus Bonus Page] (5)

Pages: 30


A rather nostalgic and husky voice at the bar caught Kazuki's attention. It was none other than Shuu Furuhashi's, a high school classmate of his. Of course, they were just that. However, the image of his wrinkled eyebrows, gloomy expression, and trademark mole on his neck was seared in Kazuki's mind. They decide to reconnect and get to know each other. After a dare, Kazuki decides to plan the perfect date to make Shuu fall for him...
A restart of the teenage years of a businessman with a rather fulfilling life and his somewhat gloomy, bespectacled former classmate... What could happen?


Yaoi_MangaTsundereAnthologiesLocalized by Renta1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade

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Jugoro Isaka

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[Sold by Chapter] Vague Synchronicities [Plus Bonus Page] (4)

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[Sold by Chapter] Vague Synchronicities [Plus Bonus Page] (5)

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[Sold by Chapter] Vague Synchronicities [Plus Bonus Page] (6)

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