
The stoic guy in the black suit is a dork who likes sweets? As a manager in a fancy cake cafe "Kuma Purin," I was told that liking manly things does not suit me. One day, this mysterious man with eyes like a killer came in front of my shop... It turned out he is a total opposite of myself!



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Uka Kasai

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.1

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.2

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.3

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.4

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.5

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.6

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.7

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.8

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I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.) Ch.9

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