
dayoune's Reviews & Ratings

The summary is so misleading considering it makes it sound like that's the main focus. We don't even get an implication we'd have to see the very long winded lead up to yuki's rejection. I thought the preview was going to cover most of the backstory and we'd get more pages about yuki but instead we get a super cliched first story into a somewhat under developed second story (centering around yuki). I only bought it because it sounded interesting to see him recover from heartbreak but because we spent the first 100 pages wasting away on the most cliche get together we couldn't really get much development between yuki and mr kanda as yuki recovers from his first love, which would've made for a much better developed and fleshed out story in the already limited pages we have to work with. Also, the cleaning team needs to double check they're cleaning with the correct white considering some bubbles are cleaned with an off white. Can get a bit distracting for reader experience.