Discover My Secret

author :

Gesshi Natsumura


It's been over a year since Takumi and Aki became roommates. They split housework perfectly, pay their bills on time, and their private lives are smooth sailing... or so Takumi makes it seem. He harbors deep feelings for Aki and hides them at all costs to preserve their harmonious lifestyle. However, Takumi's feelings get out, and now he fears the destruction of their relationship. On his 20th birthday, when he reaches legal drinking age, he drowns his sorrows in a bottle... and the minute he and Aki end up alone together, he makes a serious blunder.


Yaoi_MangaLocalized by Renta200pts-299pts HotCompleted

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Product Details

author :

Gesshi Natsumura

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Japanese :

Kimi ni Barenakya Honto ha Motto

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Item List Current ch. 5 completed

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Discover My Secret (1)

Pages: 29

Discover My Secret (2)

Pages: 35

Discover My Secret (3)

Pages: 35

Discover My Secret (4)

Pages: 35

Discover My Secret (5)

Pages: 37

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