Engulfed by a Sea of Hot Sand

author :

Kou Natsuo


Sakura is a normal high school girl... until she awakes one day in a foreign country surrounded by desert. She was taken hostage to convince her father, a famous doctor, to perform surgery. Sakura initially trembles in fear and despair, but she's touched by the kindness Far, the abductors' leader, shows her and she begins to gradually open her heart. A love like a storm begins... This popular love story in the scorching desert is finally released as a set!


Mature_Romance_MangaSeriousLocalized by RentaUpgrade Completed

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author :

Kou Natsuo

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Japanese :

Nessa no Umi ni Dakarete

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Item List Current ch. 5 completed

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May 12, 2015 (JST)
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