My Precious

author :

Takumi Izaki


Ayumu lost both her job and home when her apartment caught on fire - and then she was picked up by Jun Agata, the young leader of the Ryusei Association, a mafia organization. Agata made her heart pound when he offered to sleep with her - but he was only teasing. Still, Ayumu just can't get him out of her mind... Then, one of the members of the Ryusei Association is attacked by someone with some connection to Ayumu. Ayumu tries to leave so as not to bother Agata, but Agata suddenly pushes her down...


Mature_Romance_MangaGangstersLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts Completed

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author :

Takumi Izaki

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Item List Current ch. 3 completed

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My Precious (1)

Pages: 28

My Precious (2)

Pages: 28

My Precious (3)

Pages: 28

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September 11, 2019 (JST)
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