Could You Call This "Love"?

author :

Takumi Izaki


The man I love is the man my sister loved. Kazuki has fallen for her sister's coworker, Officer Atsuto Inui. After leaving her parents with whom she couldn't get along, Kazuki was taken in by her kind sister and wished for her happiness with the man she loved. Until... Kazuki's longing for Atsuto feeds the deeply cutting guilt toward her sister. Torn between two emotions, what future will she choose...?


Mature_Romance_MangaForbidden_LovePolice/MilitaryLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts Completed

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author :

Takumi Izaki

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Japanese :

Koi to Iitai

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Item List Current ch. 3 completed

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Could You Call This "Love"? (1)

Pages: 28

Could You Call This "Love"? (2)

Pages: 28

Could You Call This "Love"? (3)

Pages: 28

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March 06, 2019 (JST)
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