From the Front-Line Base with Love [VertiComix]

author :

Ichigo Satou


This sweet, popular yaoi novel has finally been turned into a manga! "You were the one who tempted me." Caesar, the second-in-command with blond hair and blue eyes, has been cold to Louie, who works as a doctor at the front-line base, since they first met. Caesar's unreasonable hostility annoys Louie, but in an unexpected turn of events, they start sharing a room. Louie knows of Caesar's resentment towards him, but his strong body turns him on while they lie next to each other. He opens his shirt a little to push his body against Caesar's...... An eternal romance begins in a locked space. Sweet fantasy yaoi between a blue-eyed knight with blond hair and a military base doctor!
Now in vertical-scrolling,full-color VertiComix format!


Yaoi_MangaDoctors/ScientistsFantasyLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade

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Product Details

author :

Ichigo Satou

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Japanese :

Zensen Kichi Kara Ai wo Komete

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Item List Current ch. 46 completed

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August 09, 2018 (JST)
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