No, Don't Lick Me There... -The Beastly Tongue of the Wolf Boy!-

author :

Shizuru Takigawa


After hurting herself during a hike up in the mountains, Waka comes across a truly wild boy named Taiga who's even friends with a wolf!! After saving her from the wolf, Taiga goes to give Waka first aid, but actually goes so far as to lick the wound! His tongue starts caressing her all over... No way this is just first aid!! Will our heroine give herself over to this beastly boy...!!?


Mature_Romance_MangaComedyLocalized by Renta

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Product Details

author :

Shizuru Takigawa

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Japanese :

Soko wa Namenaide Ookami Otoko no Shitasaki wa Yajuusugiru

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Item List Current ch. 2 completed

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No, Don't Lick Me There... -The Beastly Tongue of the Wolf Boy!- (1)

Pages: 55

No, Don't Lick Me There... -The Beastly Tongue of the Wolf Boy!- (2)

Pages: 55

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February 10, 2021 (JST)
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