
In a world populated by diverse range of tribes, humans have been persecuted nearly to extinction. One day, a forest guardian known as a Golem crosses paths with an abandoned little human girl. This is the story of the bond between a member of the disappearing human species and a guardian of the forest.An anime adaptation was released in 2020.This series has been published in Japan since 2015 which Japanese title name is "Somali to Mori no Kamisama"


Shonen_MangaFantasyAnime/Movie from Manga Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

author :

Yako Gureishi

publisher :

Coamix Inc.

Rating :


Japanese :

Somarito Morino Kamisama

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 6 completed

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Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Volume 1

pages: 177

Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Volume 2

pages: 176

Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Volume 3

pages: 168

Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Volume 4

pages: 168

Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Volume 5

pages: 162

Somari and the Guardian of the Forest Volume 6

pages: 162

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