
An interspecies love story between a shy and caring owner and his innocent half - lizard, half - human pet.

Azuma lives with his pet Eito, whom he found when Eito was just a baby lizard. However, ever since Eito turned into a human, the pair's relationship gradually shifts from that of owner and pet to something a little more... intimate.
Whether it be owner and pet, lovers, or family... their relationship can't easily be defined, but that doesn't stop them from showering each other with affection. This is a calm, heartwarming, and tender story of the everyday lives of a couple exploring the joys and conflicts of loving and being loved.


Yaoi_MangaFantasyLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade

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Namonaki Bokura no Amai Hibi Dekiai Shitari Shitto Shitari

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