
Victoria "Vicky" Fournatos is very fortunate to have an uncle who takes care of her whenever she's in town. She's basically treated like his daughter, which is why his incessant encouragement to marry Theo Theakis, wealthy Greek businessman and potential merger member, seems out of left field. While Vicky has taken a liking to Theo, can she handle being married to a man if the only purpose is to have a business merger go through? Will she feel as though she was bought for the Greek's bed?


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Product Details

artist :

Ao Chimura

original novel :

Julia James

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]BOUGHT FOR THE GREEK'S BED 01

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[Sold by Chapter]BOUGHT FOR THE GREEK'S BED 10

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[Sold by Chapter]BOUGHT FOR THE GREEK'S BED 11

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[Sold by Chapter]BOUGHT FOR THE GREEK'S BED 12

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