
When Godfrey left this world, he left a child growing inside Sophia. He wanted her to marry his brother so she'd be safe and sound, and Sophia's marriage to Jonathon is based on necessity, not love...or so they think. When a tragedy strikes their marriage of convenience, they might find themselves closer than they'd expect.


Classic_Romance_MangaMarriage_without_LoveFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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Product Details

artist :

Ryoko Misato

original novel :

Miranda Lee

Publisher :


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Japanese :

Yuutsu na Hanayome

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 01

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 02

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 03

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 04

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 05

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 06

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 07

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 08

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 09

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 10

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 11

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDE IN BLUE 12

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