
Majala's Reviews & Ratings

Beautiful art work but a lot of loose endings .... perhaps it's part of a series? Heroine compromises for hero giving up her promotion to find happiness but not much coming vack from his side. So-so.
Half fantasy, half romance - enjoy!
Scored for the stunning art work of my favourite manga artist rather than the story which is very alpha male
I loved it. I'm not a fan of the historical romances but I love this manga artist's unique style Great story, refreshingly free of the normal clich辿. Very happy I rented it!
I tried really hard to like this story of inner and outer beauty, but there was no charm in the "hero" and no evidence of his genuine affection for the plain Jane heroine before she undergoes his make over (whatever he says later) ... this is an old fashioned Cinderella story where the Prince Charming has very little going for him. I only gave it 2 stars because I love the art work of this particular manga artist, unique and very stylised.
I LOVED this - the story, the art work, everything. It has some typical formulaic elements but manages to avoid clich辿- and both the hero and heroine are strong survivors. It's a nice balance, not your tradition Prince Charming saves Cinderella but something with a lot more depth. Read it ... you will not be disappointed!
Somewhat formulaic but a good romance story with some lovely art work.
Obvious storyline, clich辿 but nicely drawn art work with a bit of humour... not a favourite but passable!
This gets a 5 star rating for having the toughest heroine in the entire Harlequin Manga genre. This book belongs to her and the Prince is an also-ran in this contest.
Office romance between childhood friends .... So short that it's hard to know the characters.