
Weeb4Life's Reviews & Ratings

I'm honestly appalled by how bad this is. Spoilers ahead but don't buy this anyway. Seriously. It starts off with clich辿 Romeo&Juliet young lovers torn apart by their families, with added pregnancy+stillbirth for extra tragedy. But big twist, baby was kidnapped at birth by boy's family and girl was lied to about her baby dying! WTF?! No story, I am NOT ok with this! Pattie has spent the last 14 YEARS grieving for her "dead" daughter, who's been raised as another b!tch's kid, while Spence has been adventuring around the world because he's too much of a coward to try to get back with his OTL (the ONLY nice part in all this is that he's remained faithful to her all this time). There's more stupidity here (side character drama, no emotional payoff bc immediate resolution with no repercussions, creepy romance with the kids) but I'm too revolted by the baby kidnapping to be too upset by the lesser evils of this dumpster fire. Don't buy this, buy literally anything but this.
An excellent series that's short and sweet, with plenty of really great smut. I love the incredible clean and sharp art, the smut is hot, detailed and varied, with lots of sound effects and some of my fav kinks, and the characters are very attractive, though I'm not fond of how their noses seem to disappear when they face us. There's a simple but substantial plot, with a basic set-up/build-up/pay-off structure that left me feeling completely satisfied with the HEA. I appreciate the fact that the artist didn't artificially lengthen the series with lots of unnecessary padding and pointless side-plots, this feels properly paced and condensed, with every scene serving a purpose (beyond pure fap material). I'm thoroughly sick of series dragging on needlessly, so I'm not at all disappointed this wasn't any longer. I definitely recommend this to any and everyone, it's a great read at a great price.
Wow talk about putting the cart before the horse! Sam finally wants to get married and decides that his competent secretary Barbara is the most suitable choice, not realising all the emotional baggage she's been hiding for years. Despite how pushy and arrogant he is, he's surprisingly pure and na誰ve when it comes to marriage and he's adorably earnest in his ardent pursuit of his lady love. Barbara is like every typical hormone-driven Harlequin/hentai heroine who becomes putty in the hands of any hot guy who kisses her, but unlike them she's very self-aware and is terrified of being a slave to her emotions. Although her tactics to avoid this are entirely counterproductive to her other goal of not being the target of gossip, rumours and slut-shaming, making me seriously question whether the author thought this through properly... I do appreciate how we get to see Sam's POV just as much as we do Barbara's, it really helps to flesh him out since he doesn't have a clich辿 tragic backstory.
A sweet and calming slow-burn, like reading an old book on a warm day while drinking tea, I feel like it slowly warmed my heart. The two leads are both serious about life and work, but are actually huge bookworms and bond over this shared love. There's also a nice message about how no matter how long we live, love always finds us, which does give me a bit of hope for the future <3
The h is quite the fierce man-hater and doesn't hide it! After the veritable ocean of "woman-hating men" I've waded through in manga, having the tables turned so thoroughly is a breath of fresh air, especially since she actually commits to it. Most other manga have the h giving lip service to their dislike of men but becoming putty in the hands of the first man to show them any interest, but not this h. The H has to gain her trust first, by proving himself to her through their work (the only thing she respects), before she even starts letting him in, and even after they get together she doesn't suddenly change who she is, she just eases up her attitude with him (a bit...). The H is surprisingly business savvy yet utterly adorable in regards to his love for the H. He's like a puppy after a bone and refuses to give up on her, not matter what she says or does. Light on spice but heavy on plot, characters and laughs, this is a great read for a good price.
I'm really torn about this one. It has so much going for it: interesting, likeable and attractive MCs with plenty of growth, decent plot with actual development and a happy ending, good sized and well drawn smut (all very hot). But then, outta frickin' NOWHERE it suddenly shoves in 3P! Now I do love a good 3P (I love it a lot really) but only when it's been properly established, is fully consensual, all parties (or at least the two guys) have equal power and standing within the relationship, and the feelings of everyone are mutual, none of which is the case here. The OM is just a third wheel who gets shoehorned in midway and cruelly tossed back out of the story once he's done his part, while the rest of the story is focused on the beautiful love blossoming between the two MCs, which makes his inclusion an ugly stain on an otherwise perfectly done, sweet and touching romance. Huge squick for me, hard pass, but if you're fine with it then this is definitely a manga to consider.
Treat this story as a comedy and don't take anything seriously. Both leads were rebellious teenagers with troubled childhoods and despite their adamant claims to the contrary, neither has grown up in the slightest. Both are incredibly childish and immature, to the point of hilarity, and I can't honestly say they improve that much by the end. They also don't so much fall in love as trip and faceplant into it, bickering and trying to angst all the while. Their kid's doomed. I feel kinda sorry for Nate's attorney (who's too old for this sh*t) and Tess's bff (who has her own baby to look after) for having to deal with these two adult babies' ridiculous bs, their stupidity-driven drama and their childish temper tantrums. Any attempt the story makes to introduce serious issues falls flat and feels so awkward I wish it wouldn't've bothered. I just have to laugh at this hot mess of a story or I'd face-palm myself to a concussion.
Wow that ending was a trainwreck. I love the premise, how Elinor wants to get her revenge by making Jason respect her as a talented nurse (which she is) and proving him wrong about her. Now that's my kind of revenge, none of that eye-for-an-eye, do evil unto evil nonsense most revenge stories revolve around, and for most of the story this is well executed. But the flaws are present throughout and it completely falls apart towards the end: no actual character development (except off-screen), Elinor's drama was entirely internal and she never expresses herself externally, Jason's flaws and growth are negated via "it was all a misunderstanding" bs and we never see his true feelings til the end, we're only shown "Cindy" and Jason's 1st and last meetings (both disastrous) with no evidence of them interacting beyond that so I call bs on him falling for her during that time (it also renders Elinor's motive completely moot!). So much potential, so much disappointment, so unsatisfying.
Fairly clich辿 plot, Dominic and Victoria were deeply hurt by both their partners and their families and in a moment of special weakness they comfort each other together, with a baby being the result. What I really appreciate is how both leads get a good amount of time to bond and even date before the pregnancy is discovered, meaning their relationship isn't based solely on the baby like most examples of this trope, these two have genuine chemistry and they explore it like actual, mature adults. What I appreciate a lot less is how Dominic's cheating ex and his traitorous brother are made out to be in the right and good people, despite their betrayal and lies. In any other story they'd be properly vilified yet here they never even apologise to Dominic, instead he apologises to them! Unforgivable! At least the leads' romance was centre stage and properly developed.
The premise (cats don't die, when their fur gets too old or damaged they change into a new fur and live a new life, but if a human discovers this secret then the cat responsible loses what's most important to them) may be very magical, but at its heart this is a simple story about the bonds between humans and cats. And as any pet owner will know, such bonds can be both heartwarming and heartwrenching. There are a lot of tearjerkers and moments that will tug on your heartstrings, but all the "Acts" have happy endings and positive messages, and the art always fits the mood perfectly. This is definitely a manga that'll stay with me for a long time, it touched my heart and made me truly feel something, the way few others ever manage. This is an absolute must read for any cat lover and anyone who's ever loved a pet.