
Dani's Reviews & Ratings

I'm always hesitant when it comes to harlequin comics since its its mostly always cliche and average writing but this had a lot of good reviews so I gave it a try. Overall this was a good read, for 129 pages I think Dominic's and Ginny's characters was fleshed out pretty well. The plot didn't feel rushed and it tied up all lose ends. Dom wasn't such a jerk as other reviews say (he was respectful and who would expect a baby after a one night stand)and at least his reasoning for wanting a marriage contract were (stupid but) understandable. Wish there wss more of their domestic life !
Interesting story premise and amazing art but the writing was somewhat lacking.The plot details and execution were good but could have maybe developed the characters better with more volumes. Overall an average read. If you like typical Harlequin stories this is for but if your looking for something with more depth look somewhere else.
Love it, this is so different from other contract marriage mangas I've read ! The main lead is so level-headed and really fine with living her life without the Duke! A breath of fresh air, I'm wondering how this will keep playing out as of chapter 11