
sensibletron's Reviews & Ratings

Adorbs. Runs shorter than I'd like, But Hqns often do. Heroine is reasonably assertive, hero isn't terrible, child isn't too annoying. Nice art, too. Hero is handsome and heroine is good looking in a long tall Sally kind of way.
Not one of Sarah Morgan's best.
Both of these stories are delicious. Literally the only off-flavour is the weird covers.
Sarah Morgan really writes the best Harlequins, so I was happy to see a couple compilations of her mangas here. The preview has a couple pages from each work so you can figure out if it's up your alley.
Uh this is adorbs. Get it.
A Regency! And it's pretty adorbs. The heroine goes to a house party and her evil sister is there along with her hot former fianc辿e. He just noticed she's hot! But secretly they did it during the war!!! But he doesn't know b/c he was blind at the time!!! Whatev, that doesn't end up mattering. What does matter is that heroine decides she's done getting messed with by evil sister (who messes with everyone else) and starts to scheme back (in a very civilized way of course). While the book's heroine is pretty assertive for a HQ and Regency, it won't blow your socks off, but the hero's internal monologue as he learns over and over again that he is a moron is surprisingly funny.