
Daekin's Reviews & Ratings

Beautiful story, beautiful art. Sort of heartwarming and bittersweet, but I would read it over and over. Would also read anything else about these guys ever. Definitely recommend.
Cute story, interesting premise, good characters. Sweet ending made me smile, too. Would have like there to be more shown after, but it's still a really nice story.
Cute story, nice art. I really want to read more about them! They're just so adorable and sweet.
Good story, nice characters, steamy scenes, but I wanted more. More depth to the characters (why is Aya's mom so young???), more depth to the story, more in general of their story (I could totally read more of this)... Still, nice read.
Okay, this was one of the sweetest, most adorable, best things I've read on this site. I just want to read everything about these two until they get old and die.
Story and art is nice. Would love it if there were more, but as it is, it's sweet and simple.
Well, that was smut-tastic. Not the most complex plot, but the story was well done anyway. Art was nice too. Would read again.
Love the dynamic - not like much else I've read on this site. Very refreshing! The story is great too, and I love the art style! Definitely recommend.
Not bad. I've read another series before with the same premise and I loved that one, so I was hopeful for this one, but it was too short and didn't have much to. But as a basic story, not bad. Art's good too.
This was not what I expected and I love it even more for it. Great story, great characters, got me right in the feels. Very highly recommended.