
CityGirl's Reviews & Ratings

This was SO cute! First, the body positivity was so great! Even though they are short stories they don't feel short. There's enough substance to it that you feel like you've read an entire series. All of the characters are really enjoyable, and I loved each one. The last story was a bit bittersweet, but in a really positive way. Also, there is a bit of triggering content regarding date r@p3, but not from any of the main characters. It was used to build drama, but for those who are sensitive I wanted to mention that. Overall this is completely consensual, and exactly what we need right now! It's refreshing, light! and fun- something that you can read and just feel warm and fuzzy from! I would love to see more from each of the stories, but even if we don't this is definitely worth the purchase!
I love it!!! This is such a cute story!!! As the other review said, the synopsis is a bit off, but it is a love story of two friends who like using competitions to make decisions. I've read to the current chapter (11), and I can't wait for more!! This is a sweet, feel good story, with a simple plot line but great art and GREAT steamy scenes!! Don't hesitate, just buy it! You won't be disappointed!!
This is such a great story!! I'm current with the chapters and it's kind of like a slow burn love story or love found in an arranged marriage. Yes, our MC's relationship starts a bit harshly, but it's not horrible by any means. However the alpha's family are HORRIBLE. Yet because of his family, our alpha wants to avoid thir demands. Our alpha wants to avoid omegas and not have children, our omega wants to feel like he's useful and belong because hes underdeveloped as an omega. So our alpha does push our omega into choosing him as a mate, but our omega does choose to mate with the alpha. Yet they find love together and build a beautiful family whom thy fight for and work to change the rules to make life better for the omegas born into the omega's family. Plus we get story for the family as well!! This has quickly become a favorite for me! I can't wait for the next chapter!