
fiddlerjones's Reviews & Ratings

Current Chapter: 6 (Complete) *Review contains spoilers.* This is one of my absolute favorite purchases through Renta!. It's in my Top 5, easily. It's sweet. It's tender. It's romantic. It's got Idiot(s) in Love (a highly underrated trope, in my humble opinion). I love the development of their relationship from classmates to oddball maybe-friends to something more. Both boys are lovable, and it's fun to see them dance around each other. There is some sexual content, but I'd rate it fairly mild. It's more about the development of their feelings and the complications that pop up when they don't discuss them. It's really nice that the author has them voice their thoughts, feelings, and misunderstandings out loud at the end so they and the audience can get a proper resolution. Communication is key, folks. Yes, there is a happy ending (an unhappy ending is typically a dealbreaker for me). I reread this one frequently, and it never fails to make me smile. A wonderful, fluffy read.