
MissMaus's Reviews & Ratings

Dramaaaaaaaaa. Omg this is sinfully good. A precious cinnamon roll obsessed with a man who he thinks doesn't reciprocate his feelings and a very sweet boy who wants to protect him. A must read for anyone who wants to see a nice boy triumph over a douchey, manipulative adult.
Very sweet and beautifully drawn. Deals with some homophobia in the normal high school trope-y way, but I was kind of sad we didn't get to see more of the top sticking it to assholes.
First issue and I had tears in my eyes from laughing. I can't wait to see how this goes.
WHOA. Seriously, a river of smutty smut. My goodness. Two sadists and an inappropriate teacher, oh my. If you're looking for a love story, you've come to the wrong place. So dirty I needed to take a shower after. But definitely worth the points. >:D
Very enjoyable. The art is lovely and the story is well paced. Worth every ticket. The top is a little prickly but very attentive.
Every single one of these stories is great. There's one that's gonna make you cry like a baby, real talk. But they're well written, the art is good, and they gun for emotional connection vs physical. There is some physical, of course, but no heavy smut here: just a couple good stories about love. ^^~
I'm sad there wasn't a "Go die or I'll tell your wife," moment in this, but I really appreciated how the tachi waited for him to make his decisions. Sure, he's a typical "I don't deserve to be loved" neko,but it was sweet and well written.
I wanna know who his grandpa was. Dude was thunder in a bottle I bet. A cute story of baths, turf wars, and lost memories. Sweet and a little dark at times. Remember people, anyone who takes the time for a bath deserves one.
I live for scenes with Grandma. Seriously. A funny little story with some stabbing and some sexiness. Plot doesn't run too deep but I enjoyed it regardless.
Not a totally typical gangster debt story. I really like this kind of sketchy art style, and the characters were interesting. The story is a little shallow, but I enjoy it all the same. I also appreciate that the top isn't some gorgeous impossible gangster. He actually looks like a normal dude. A totally psycho violent dude, but a normal dude. There's one panel where he smiles and it's like watching a snake try to laugh, but in a cute way.