
bigeneral's Reviews & Ratings

I love the initial trope, but the story is senseless with too fluffy nonsense layers on top of smut. If you're looking for smut, then maybe this one is for you. But don't expect depth in the story :(
I really appreciate these kind of everyday, mundane lifestyle stories. Niyama's artwork is always a treat and I'm so happy that I can see it along with a story that is as sweet as this one. I could honestly read another volume, but I'm also okay with where the story has ended.
Basic, but very cute. It's a cliche plot but doesn't try to sell itself off as anything special. The character interactions are cute, but definitely needed more development. Can't wait to see a sequel for the cousin and swim caption though :) As always, the art is wonderful.
I loooove these kinds of characters in stories. The depressed child. I also like how well Kakeru handled his off days. It was a great read. I would definitely recommend.