
theakaneko's Reviews & Ratings

Awww, it is so short...This is a very cute couple. Wanted more of them. Only 2 stories long.
Super cute story once it got going- the couple was real sweet, especially at the end. Our seme has a lot of damage to work through, and our uke is a little ray of sunshine and hope.
... to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I like the couple, the topic is interesting, the art is lovely... but I guess it felt a bit empty? Like, there is no thought to after, just "and then we were together" foe 2 panels. Idk - fun read, did enjoy highly, ending left me "... huh." in its suddenness.
Considering they go into it with Denial and Angry Desire (it is better than that sounds), not bad... the details of the brother who broke her heart are sketchy - he doesn't even have a face - but the smex is hot and the couple are very sweet together.
Oh my gosh! Super cute and far too short... there is so much build up that i want to know all the fallout and all the details about dating after.
Very cute! New Couple is sweet. One short smexy scene.Title is misleading, but worth the price for what we got.
Oh my, this series looks like it will be fun :-) what a clever take on the gender bending idea. Cant wait to see more!
cute, sweet, and lots of smexy... loved it! Totally worth the buy
An interesting concept, but too short and did not really explain anything. Worth the read but maybe only a rent instead of a buy
Oh my goodness! This is so funny. Kinda wish it was a little sexier with our mains, but I'm happy that it has a happy ending for MC. I laughed a lot all the way through.