
PlzLookIn2UpdatingAp's Reviews & Ratings

It wasn't a bad read. I want to say it is great at first. I just think the development of characters bothered me. SPOILER ALERT (nonetheless I'd like to read the conclusion) iitt is still pretty interesting, since I like omegaverse. The MC trusted his rival, but one small bump in the road made him do a 180 on their closeness. Like hold on. I get that it is a problem but to that extent?
Yay now I know what I bought. Bought the JP first. Half understood but I see now it was a good story!. First Ch is a bit steamy,(: but it's only til the next ch you see the ship sailing!
4 and a half star. The cover and title are misleading. So for a good time I thought nope when I saw it. Then I read a review about consent and was like OH? This story is like super cute. If it may seem fast paced to some, but I liked it a lot. Drama pops up and is dealt with almost as quickly with reason. It is 98% consent and 100% cute.
Good on smut
Keeping the sadistic tag in mind. I think to be sadistic towards another you need to be like that from the beginning or gradually show your true colors. Maybe that was suppose to be a gradual change, but it felt like the Male MC changed personalities in the blink of an eye. BUT if I read this in middle school, I'd totally buy that 180属 change in personality. I do like it, but I also can't help critiquing. I still want to read the next chapters.
The title is kind of misleading in a sense. I honestly thought it was gonna be more than one scene of being seduced, but still was good. Maybe im disappointed it's one volume.? More could've been unpacked. Would still reread though
Yaaaaaasss. Luv iiiitttttt. Like no doubts here!
I was in it for the smut cause it seemed like that's where it was going. I mean it does but not what I was thinking. Its a good read just nothing I haven't already read.
With what I read its rinse and repeated title. Helpless heroine and rich hero to help save the day. I've read a couple of these and I gotta say at least in the other ones the females had more personality and the males weren't an exact replica of prince charming in Cinderella. . If you like being bossed around I guess this can be your cup of tea?
Okayyyyy. This looked pretty darn intriguing and it IS . . . ?BUT! right at the climax scene, you're on any drop ride you can think of, like WHAT?! whyd you rush something with so much potential?! Like the first chapter could've been made into 3 chapters. In any case i'm just saying the ending could've been soooo much more. And the smut? Well I wanna say when I was in middle school I thought of sex scenes like that. Mildly imaginative, with minimal smut and zero sexual tension. I did like the potential possibilities of the plot but was sad it was shot out of the sky.