
sweetsake108's Reviews & Ratings

This was such a great read! I loved the storyline, the characters and the art. Definitely recommend getting it, you won't regret it!
I really like how the story is progressing so far. The heroine is different from the norm due to her shyness talking to people, but I love how the guy makes the effort to approach her based on her level of comfort. Plus, the art is amazingly well drawn. I can't wait to read the next chapters!
These short stories were all great, I loved the co-worker relationship theme.
This was such a great read. I loved all the characters in the short stories and the art was amazing. I loved that the author chose to make the bottoms different then usual and more manly!
This was such a great series. The plot really pulled me in, and I loved the characters. I recommend reading this series for sure!
This was a great story with good character development, romance and of course, love scenes. I really recommend checking it out!