
NikitaNeeneelee12's Reviews & Ratings

I really want more of this story. It's funny, relatable, and enjoyable to read. I'm glad it's not focusing on getting to the sexy scenes but really setting the stage with actual character development.
It definitely an interesting story that haves potential for growth. The main thing that bothers me about the story is the art. Everyone's features looks exactly the same and all child-like. It's a little off putting.
It's a cute story but it's too short. This could have easily been a one-shot and it should have been a little cheaper to purchase. The art is beautiful though.
This story is so cute. I want more!
He's practically raping her. This is way more than a sadistic fantasy. I'm not liking this outcome.
I didn't like how this story just ended. There so much in the story that needs closure.
I liked this story it's really cute. But the continuity of the drawing is off. Each chapter, the author keeps drawing the main characters looking younger and younger. In the first chapter, they looked like college students. In the last chapter, they looked like high school students.
Everything is so rushed. I get the story but I feel like the author was rushing through everything. We get bits and pieces of the model's background and that's it, time skips quickly without it saying that there's a time skip. Definitely give it a 2 stars.