
Choconna's Reviews & Ratings

I am so glad I finally gave in and read this one. I absolutely loved it. Firstly, all three volumes focus on them and doesn't hop between couples so you get to really see the progress in their relationship. I repeat, all three volumes is only Yata and Momo. Harada-sensei is known for darker, more mature stories which is why I had avoided the name because I wasn't sure I was emotionally ready but the balance here is so good. The story is heartwarming and emotional. Momo has had a hard time of things, selling his body for some cash to survive on, until he meets Yata, a man who couldn't turn a blind eye. He is caring and compassionate but not without his faults. Their relationship was questionable at first but you can see how much Yata cared for Momo since the beginning. Momo matures during the length of these three volumes and it is such an amazing ride. This is a top three read for me. I loved it and definitely 100% recommend it.
A quick, ridiculous read- it's so annoying when someone gets attacked while their defenses are down- but I can't say I didn't at least kinda enjoy it. Still I like Yuusuke more! And drunk Satou was super cute. I just don't like that they got him like that. Worth the purchase if it doesn't bother you though and it made me feel a little more complete after reading the main story though.
I was expecting more as far as interactions between them outside of the "research" and more teasing and since it was mostly the main 3 I was expecting more developement but that didn't happen. It doesn't have much of a story but the comedy is the best I have read so far. If there was a more solid story I would have loved it. I laughed more than I was expecting at the fact that some things turned into Satou's BL fueled imagination. I liked Satou the most but out of the other two Yuusuke was more appealing to me. I'll say it's worth the rent but if you like more comedy in your stories it might be worth a full purchase.
I loved that this was not one of those short story collections. I enjoyed getting to see their relationship build up and flourish. They are an adorable couple. Things moved naturally in the story and they had the chance to open up to each other, struggle though their emotions and become a healthy couple. It was nice getting to watch them develope.
I liked the concept here with the virtue and temptation personified. It gives something extra to a story to personify a feeling or idea. It was a good read for leisure. The art style is very pleasant as well as the many stories inside. Out of the all the one shots my favorite one other than the main story is the last one. It was shockingly sweet.
Read "I Might Fall For You" first. It makes this story hit so much harder. I absolutely loved this story. It was fluffy, sweet and focused on their transition into a family while working through their own personal issues. Personally, I don't think it was lacking anything as far as realism with how the situation was handled, character development and a satisfying ending. If you want a fluffier or just a more emotional read, definitely check this one out. Top 5 on my list for best reads.
I came here hunting Jealousy, a spin-off series based on Rogi's past(maybe it'll be here one day?). I am more than happy to have found an official translation of this story though. It's a very satisfying read.If you're looking for a read with a solid story, this is a good one. This was my first read from Scarlet Beriko and I absolutely love it. I love the delinquent/yakuza/rebel trope and Tatsuyuki is the whole package. I like to see a story where characters heal and he helped Nozomi move towards that healing. A really nice read I 100% recommend.