
LMonster2's Reviews & Ratings

The continuation is amazing, although it is yet to be complete because I know there is more after this volume that I read online before. You won't be disappointed with where this goes so far but trust me you want the continuation. Please release it soon.
I love this story so much. First off how can you not like family story lines. They are supe cut, funny, adorable, and sexy to boot. And the dynamics and layers of this one is amazing!
I love the further development of Yoshizawa and Kaede' a relationship. There are some fun twists that you may or may not support but you will enjoy this second volume as much as the first.
I enjoyed this a lot. It was funny, silly and super cute. I liked how naive and innocent Yoshitaka is and how cunning and sly Kaeda is. This is one you will enjoy.
As in the prequels “Someday I'll Love You” I absolutely loved this story! I read it before it was licensed and I am so happy that it got published so I can support the author. It is such a great story and you will be so happy with it. Be sure to read them in order!
I just have to say that I love this first volume of the of the 2 parter because the growth of these two characters love and affection for each other is so well written and displayed. It shows the struggle of falling for your childhood friend who is the same sex as you and the struggle between that love and wanting to not lose the life you had before those feelings were known. You will not regret reading this story and be sure to get the sequel because I've read it before buying these books and both are AMAZING!
Although I really enjoyed this book, I felt like something was missing. It was cute and funny but I felt I wasn't fully satisfied by the time it ended. I can't put my finger on what that was but you won't be disappointed reading this.
I enjoyed the stories in this book. Not only is the artwork AMAZING, but the characters are so fun, cute, and super adorable together. I wish that we could have seen more of them personally but I don't think you will regret getting this book.
What can I say... this was hilarious! Moral of all stories be sure to double check where your going.
I also loved this sequel. I did feel the end was a bit lacking and didn't really have a strong YES moment but it was fun and cute.