
Mistydreamer's Reviews & Ratings

This story was quite engaging but I really wish that the ending will be SPOILER ALERT the three of them got together instead of the female lead having or should I say forcing to choose between one of the guy.
I have read many titles by this author and really love her works, especially some of her works involving 3P or multiple sex partners for the female lead. This is saying a lot as this type of subject might make the female lead distasteful if the plot is not convincing enough on the circumstance and/or the choice of the female lead. So it is with great eagerness when I rent this mangas.The first chapter started out interestingly but the female lead will get on most readers' nerves with her naivety and her princess attitude. Although the female lead did acknowledge and reflect on her naivety and seek ways to survive on her own. I would said that chapter 1(2) and 2 are when the plot and romance is at the most engrossing. BUT chapter 4 and 5 really end on a weird note because there no way or reason that the female lead would choose Kaito over Kaoru. It doesn't make sense. AND don't get me started on the ending of one of the male lead which happen in the final chapter.
Okay, I understand why many said that this manga end it on a cliffhanger. The last chapter really didn't have any conclusion.