
BlackLotuz's Reviews & Ratings

I think this was a touching love story between Willow and Theodore. Willow was nothing more then a cute little bookworm that has never been deflowered until she met Theodore that passionate night at her best friends party. Willow was wearing such a seductive dress which she barrowed from Theodore's younger sister, whom Willow went to college with/best friend . Theodore was just so captivated by her curves as well as her beauty he just had to have her. Never realizing her age and she was a virgin. There were a few more misunderstands that resulted in the end of a wonderful happy ending. I also would like to comment on the BEAUTIFUL artwork that seems to draw you in. I must say this was one of my favorite stories and I just adore all of Hiromi Ogata's artwork and Jacqueline Baird's love stories. Its a great read and I hope that you think so as well.
The Baby Secret, was truly an interesting tale to read. It was full LOVE & MISUNDERSTANDINGS within this high-class world of marriages and relationships. The heroine of this tale was Victoria. She was a shelter high class young woman that never really experienced love before. When meeting Zac they seem to fall in love and get married at an alarming rate of time. Therefore not giving one another time to grow and know each other. Not to mention her mothers harsh out look on high society men, marriages and relationships which would frighten and put doubts into the most secure person. I think this is where the huge misunderstandings begins. Then the tale seems to snowballs into one misunderstanding after another up until you reach the last few pages. In this story this shelter woman is trying to sort through what are lies and what is the truth, also she is growing and learning more about herself and her family secrets along the way. Well I hope you enjoy this high class tell of ups and downs. Also I really hope this review will help you all out there.