
neha200's Reviews & Ratings

Talk about an emotional roller coaster. Cesario's story is so depressing and I could only imagine his pain after what he went through. I also think his scars make him more drawn to Beth and attached to Sophie. The outcome of the story was pretty predictable even with the plot twist but what can I say, I'm a sucker for happy endings. Overall, the story was more emotional than some lusty romance so I liked that aspect of it. And that last page makes me want to read the original.
It was a pretty good story. The author does a great job of reeling you in but then I kind of felt like I was left hanging. I was wondering how she would deliver a happy ending with Noelle time-traveling and all but I guess the outcome was somewhat satisfying. It was also quite sad at times but I'm glad Wolfe's name was cleared. I just wish he got more of a happy ending with Noelle which in some ways they did but not enough to make me happy with it.
The story was okay, just your typical cliche hq. Rafael was pretty detestable, and I'm not talking about the part of him that was a playboy millionaire. Louisa was not your typical damsel in distress; she was however your typical heroine hurt from having a previous lover stolen by her sister (okay maybe the sister part is not so typical). Regardless, she did not deserve to be treated the way she was and it was totally understandable that she hid her pregnancy, seeing what he did when he had both of them. Honestly, I was so glad his mother slapped some sense into him, literally. Decent story, intense drama.
All three stories were so amazing and tied in together really well. I'm glad the 3 siblings are able to find each other in the end amongst their on-going family and love problems. Even though I liked Abbey a lot, my favorite story was the last one. Molly was relatable and likable. And Leandro went from the most despicable guy to my favorite out of the 3 male leads by the end. Most importantly, regarding Leandro's ex-wife Aloise, I did not see that revelation coming. So if romance, angst, female leads feeling dejected all the time, and semi-pleasant surprises (or should I say plot-twists) is your thing, this is the story for you.
This story was a pleasant surprise. I thought I wouldn't like it much since the art wasn't to my taste but the plot was worth it. Both of the main characters are fresh out of hurtful relationships and find comfort in each other. Everything evolves from one passionate night in the office; that includes their love story. But love us not an easy road for them, considering they don't even know it's love but I'm glad they found each other because both deserve better than their former partners.
Talk about a yes-man (er...woman). Cami is just that. Luckily, Tanner comes into her life to get rid of the "door-mat" sign on her forhead, all-inclusive with an attractive tush & torso. A very fun read if you're into twin shenanigans and watching the process of the less confident twin be wooed by a man who only notices and likes her as she is. Tanner is adorable and totally marriagable (whatever that's worth).
Great story with a very important message; don't ever stand in for your twin in matters of love. The amount of twists and turns that result from it are all displayed in this story. The whole time I was on the edge of my seat just wishing that Becky would hurry and spill the beans to jarred. Speaking of which,the whole story (specifically the parts with the rings) had me thinking about the jewelry commercial. Of course, this jarred got his rings elsewhere.
Adore this couple! They are so cute; all of their couple moments make you forget the rest of story and get lost in the moment. They seemed like they were already married at one point. And I don't know how many times he proposed to her, not that I'm complaining, but I guess 3rd time's the charm. Despite the forboding atmosphere surrounding the story, their love story was just too cute.
How sweet was that ending! And their family is adorable beyond words. Totally worth the tickets and the time. The characters are so pleasant, even the one witch that tries to start a rift. I was just waiting for her to get pregnant; it didn't really go as expected though. Overall, I enjoyed this in depth love story and would definitely read it again.
A bit too much angst for me but a great story nonetheless. I still like the first installment better cause he had the excuse of amnesia. However, in here it really broke my heart that he didn't trust Kelly and threw her out of his life and came back in at his own convenience. I was pretty happy with the outcome though.