
oathbreaker1's Reviews & Ratings

The cover of this book is so beautiful and well done that it just pulled me in to read the story.How do you forgive a man that does not believe you and accuses you of having a affair. And beside this he does not believe the child he carries is his child. Now do i believe she is perfect no but if he had just thrown all the cards on the table and they sat down and discussed what was going on life would have been easier for them. But the line that comes to mind when i read this story is what doesn't break you makes you strong and that goes for there family too. Read it and enjoy
I know Christmas is around the corner when they put this story is put out. What lovely story about a hidden benefactor. The drawing in this manage is amazing with the Christmas spirit it is breathtaking. I liked all the characters in this story the funny and unique heroine she has a heart of gold. Her first impression of the hero is not a positive one but I think she changed his heart and the path that they followed had a few bumps but then again the path to true love is never smooth. I just have to say this ahead of time Merry Christmas!
I read the other version of the story and i like this one just as much. These two sisters could not be more different. I love that this is a twin story and that once they switched places the men that they ran into were more compatible to them. I must say historical romances are one of favorite and have fun reading about the adventures of the sisters. i recommended reading this story
I like the story but this women has more patience then I ever would. But that is just me. His son is amazing he has the soul of angel he wanted a father to love him and his mother both and to be a family. His wife to put up with a childish and crazy husband for that long must of been related to job. Now her husband went through a lot hardships and realized what he did wrong and maned up and took respondabilty for his actions.
I must say that this is so funny i was laughing so much during this manga. On one hand we have a boy who acts more like a girl and vice versa. It just so happens that he is love with her. Then we have a crazy grandpa who's experiment switches their souls. Then antics ensue his best friend likes him in the girls body and the girls best friend likes her friend in the male body. Now that is a funny and difficult time for the boy because he wants to switch back but it seems like the girl does not. What is going to happen because this is not the end of the story yet so will he stay as a girl and girl stay as boy. I don't know but it sure is funny to read and try and guess what is going to happen because this is not the end.
Let me say this both of these character's are over the top in there emotions and actions. She only wanted to help her friend but it ended up back firing on her. He was going to get revenge on her father through her by taking away everything she had even her pride. When does hate turn to love in your heart I struggled with this one because i do not know if i could ever put my pride aside. That he begin to see not only was a victim but she was to. And that punch was awesome in itself. The war of the sexes who knew it could be so delicious. And don't miss the beautiful drawing in this manga either
This is charming story a journalist trying to get the scoop on a story but ends up running into the nobleman and evil vagrants. Now that is a good setting for a story. We never know where love is going to lead us we are just along for the ride and what wonderful journey it is. Now there is some intrigue in the story to so make sure to sit back and enjoy this story. I really enjoyed the cover of the book it was really well done. The only draw back that i had with this story was the heroine she was kind of annoying in some parts thank goodness i got past that.Enjoy
Now that is a way of stopping a wedding at the last moment the wedding planner at that. Well she ended up marrying the other one because the one she first started to marry was no good for her or her future husband. Really I was so glad that they hit it off so well. Please enjoy the drawings and story because it is a good one oh yeah the cousin is really good at playing evil dude.
Let me say I really liked the funny drawing the character would get in certain parts. The mom in this story sure made it hard for her daughter's love life after what she did to her daughter's future boyfriend dad. That there was comedy in this manga was awesome but truly the mom got on my nerves but i guess it was good that they both found there true love.
Wow with a sister like that who needs a family. But thank goodness the good sister loves her niece so much. She is willing to marry a man she does not even know. I can understand how they treat her because they think she is her sister thank goodness for twins. Now if i give any more away you will not read the story and you should because it is a decent story and oh yeah make sure never ever like that other twin sister she is a jerk.