
YokaiAkito's Reviews & Ratings

This story was just too cute! The art style is amazing, and the characters were really kind! Plus, the story was pretty funny and very heartfelt! I highly recommend this mamga!
While the art is a bit old-fashioned, the story is really good. If you like Visual-kei bands, I highly recommend checking this manga out!
This story is so great! It's short and bittersweet, but don't let that drive you away! The characters are well developed, and the art style is wonderful. Please check this story out!
Both of the stories in this manga are so cute! The artwork is beautiful, and the characters have wonderful expressions. This is perfect for anyone that loves super sweet BL stories!
This is such a great story! The love is very cute and the storyline is pretty unique. The characters are all well drawn, and it's easy to tell them apart. I recommend this for anyone wanting a fun read!
Super cute story! The artwork is very nice, and the characters are very expressive. Great for anyone looking for a light BL story!
This anthology is great! There are plenty of sexy scenes, and the stories are all well-written. There are lots of different types of characters, and something for everyone! The art style is very nice, and the characters all stand out really well. I recommend this for anyone looking for some short, sexy stories!
This story is so sexy and fun! The artwork is amazing, and the characters are perfect for this story! I can't wait to read more from this mangaka! Haha! I highly, highly recommend this to anyone that wants a sexy BL story that's fun, with a bit of an edge!
This is such a cute story! I love it so much! This is great for fans of BL set in a more realistic world, but still plenty of fluff to go around! The art is detailed, and the characters expressions are wonderful! I highly recommend this for anyone wanting a cute, fun story!
Such a touching story! The characters in this story are very believable, and have plenty of flaws. The art style is nicely detailed, and each character is unique. The story has plenty of drama, and it leaves you rooting for the main characters! Haha! I highly recommend this for anyone wanting a story with lots of feels, but leaves you satisfied!