Akudama Drive

author :

Ogaki Rokurou


Long ago, war broke out between the regions of Kanto and Kansai, splitting the country in two. Kansai became a vassal state of Kanto and developed characteristic advancements. However, with the decline of the government and the police force, crime ran rampant. Those criminals are called Akudama.
This crime action story is set in a highly advanced, yet twisted society, and each Akudama has a different method of coping. The individual styles of each Akudama will collide as they finally assemble for one purpose.


Shonen_MangaBattle/ActionFantasyAnime/Movie from MangaLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299pts300pts-399ptsUpgrade

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Product Details

author :

Ogaki Rokurou

publisher :

Renta Comics

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Japanese :

Akudama Drive

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