The Bath-House Manager and the Naked Love Thrust!


His local bathhouse turned out to be a gay hunting spot!! In order to protect his virtue from the guys, he was told to...... give himself up to the manager!? With his family's bath under repair, Tomoki begins to wash at a local bathhouse run by a guy he's never liked, Kenichiro. However, the bath-house was an incredibly dangerous place frequented by gays. Tomoki immediately turns heads, and feels his virtue threatened. This leads Kenichiro to offer a high-handed reciprocal deal... "I'll protect you, in return for some hot action!!"


Yaoi_MangaChildhood_FriendsLocalized by Renta

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Japanese :

Bandai-San to Hadaka no Tsukiai

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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Bath-House Manager and the Naked Love Thrust!

Pages: 53

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May 23, 2020 (JST)
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