10 Things to Do This Year
Making "To Do" lists is a great way of visualizing exactly what you want and how to go about it (and though my list hasn't helped me get a certain superhero actor, I'm not giving up yet!). They can also help you achieve your New Year's Resolutions, so here at Renta!, we've come up with 10 things you absolutely have to try this year! (Well... Try reading, anyway... )

Get Kidnapped by a Sheikh

Falling in love with a handsome Sheikh is pretty much a staple of Harlequin romance. Throw in a little kidnapping and you've got the makings of true love! (Wait, what?)

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Have a Greek Tycoon's Baby

Misunderstanding leads to misery, and that wealthy Greek guy is long gone. He'll never know about his beautiful, black-haired baby... Until the happy end, that is!

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Spend a Night with a Mysterious Man

From lust at first sight to a passionate night. She wants more, and maybe he does too, but there's something he's hiding... (Dun dun duuuun!)

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Rekindle a Love with an Old Flame

Break-ups always suck, especially when you're still in love. When fate thrusts you together again, who knows? Maybe some other things will start thrusting, too...

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Be with Two Guys at Once

"Oh, woe is me, two gorgeous guys are after me! Whatever am I to do...?" Choose both, that's what you do. After all, why pick one when they don't mind sharing?

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Have a Rendezvous at the Office

Boy, does her boss work her hard... In more ways than one! *wink wink* A little overtime, a little teasing, a little... Wait, that's not little. Well, who doesn't like a challenge?

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Get Caught Up and Swept Away

Trying to play hard to get, but not really succeeding. Not really trying that much, to be honest. So, basically being got. Pretty spectacularly. But hey, who's complaining?

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Make a Cutie-Pie Cry

Teasing and taunting is all fun and games until somebody loses an eye starts to cry. But... But he's so cute when he cries! Look at his squishy face... I wanna do it again!

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Innocently Fall in Love

Love is for everyone, and everyone is free to fall in love. However, a love that can overcome obstacles is all the sweeter, and the perfect thing to experience this year.

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