User Reviews For: Playboy's Surprise Son


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Mrsmangame123 Rating
I happen to like secret love child stories, but this one was pretty bad. Artwork was great. Plot was pretty decent, but the characters are what did this story's undoing for me. The only thing it solidified for me was that vaccines are a must. Mumps sounds awful. The two leads are horrible. Not like evil, shady people horrible, just no dimension horrible. The character growth happens in the last two panels. The sample mislead me, it wasn't enough to truly get a feel for where this story was going. That opening sequence with the hero was strange, almost mysterious, I wanted more of that feeling. But I was left wanting and never got what I truly craved. So sad, but such is life. The woman was pretty weak, and I try to be empathetic towards my fellow woman, fictional or otherwise, but damn she was too much of a romantic. If there was such a thing and after reading this, yes, yes there is. The guy was such a jerk, but I guess that's just the name of the game. Hate the game, not the player?