User Reviews For: Standby Kiss -My Exclusive Secret Service Agent-


4.8 out of 5

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animestar411 Rating
Cutest couple ever!! Vol 1 is the best. Thier love hate relationship is soo funny.
funbrillo Rating
Okay I thought this story was just amazing. It is funny and really enjoyable. Aoi is just hilarious. He is the uke but has moments where he gets all manly and angry which are funny. I read Vol 1 and immediately bought Vol 2 within seconds of finishing it. It leaves you with an exciting cliffhanger and you just have to know how things end. The side story with Kano and the PI is cute too. Aoi is hilarious at the end when he meets Kano's BF.
Kitten95 Rating
Best story I've read on Renta!!! So many emotions ran though my head as I read this.
Nibachu Rating
I read volume 1, it wasn't awful but it wasn't amazing either but I enjoyed it.
hanandduke Rating
Can't wait for the second one!!
Cyfi Rating
can't wait for vol. 2 of these fantastic, delightfully stupid sexy boys!