User Reviews For: The Paternity Question


Very entertaining with two likeable leads, both with surprising depth and great character development. Twins Nick and Neal switch places for a month, Lisa wants a baby from her good friend Nick but clueless Neal is the one who ends up accepting her request (w/out knowing the details), so ofc hilarity ensues as Neal tries his hardest to resist Lisa's advances. Luckily she figures out the truth soon enough, but decides that, since the brothers share the same DNA, Neal is an equally perfect mate so continues to pursue him, while Neal mistakenly believes she's in love with Nick because of a crush she had on him as a child. Lisa is feisty, sassy and never afraid to speak her mind. Neal uses bravado and jokes to hide his insecurities, but once he's called out for his bs he manages to self-reflect and accept himself for who he is (he also keeps making it rain!). These two really are made for each other and their romance is both believable and well-developed. Definitely recommend this!