User Reviews For: Imitation Mate


4.3 out of 5

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ebookrenta0y9hk2ax7 Rating
Twisted Character at the end is my type of twist. Loved it!!!
xXCharly93Xx Rating
I Love Alpha and Omega Stories.
reyji Rating
I come back to reread this manga every once in a while, but I just realized I never left a review, omg. I really liked this story! The art, smut, characters, and plot was very good! As you'll read in the other reviews, the ending definitely leaves you with a, "Wait, what the heck?! That's it?!?" feeling, but I didn't think the twist was as far out of left field as other reviewers are saying, but that might be because I've read it so many times, lol. It's definitely a story you have to read more than once to find all the bread crumbs and hints! I really think the author was planning for more chapters or something, because there's so many loose ends still by the last chapter! (spoilers) Like, did the brother have complicated feelings all along? Why did he apologize to Yoshiki? Did Tsukasa complete his transformation? What's the aftermath like??? Still, I like the story and I'm happy using my imagination to fill in the blanks, haha.
Rennawooo Rating
Trigger warning for those who have been abused by emotional manipulators in real life. I thought it was really good until the ending. It had a really bad ending in my opinion. It sent a shiver down my spine. I can't see them being happy after this. Spoilers: Turns out the top is a manipulative emotional abuser, and has been the whole time he's known the bottom. The signs were there, but I completely missed them until the big reveal. He completely ruined the lives of at least a few women and deliberately made the bottom feel like a piece of trash in order to confirm the bottom's feelings for him.
Voyer2000 Rating
Wow, this story was good. The art was good, and the smut fit the story instead of just being there to be there. This was well written, and it left me wanting more.