User Reviews For: Hana and the Beast Man


4.9 out of 5

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Clolove8 Rating
Cheza Rating
I love Sana! He's so adorbale!
SethS9 Rating
So hot
Kizzarina Rating
I love the MCs and am totally invested in this fictional world. I want to know what work the beasts have been doing for the humans, and I absolutely NEED to know what happens next between Hana and Sana.
Hiro132 Rating
I love how he thought about cutting his nails for her. you don't see that in most comics they always just go in with nails like it won't hurt but I love how the author thought about that.
Stary Rating
I love this comic sooooo much that. I will like to read this everyday till the end.A definite much read
Lulu Rating
Definitely recommend! I am absolutely thrilled to see this wonderfully created manga on Renta in English. I have been supporting this artist/author since day one of the first chapter released in it's original Japanese language. I unfortunately, could only understand 50% of the story and currently still pursuing in improving my Japanese language skills. This story is perfect for those that like reading about human hybrid romance. This story has all the elements needed to make the story compelling: beastman romance, unique setting, and erotica.
angel19 Rating
You want more!! Loved it!!!
littleponta Rating
Interesting so far. Storyline is also nice. Looking forward to more chapters.
PlzLookIn2UpdatingAp Rating
Yay now I know what I bought. Bought the JP first. Half understood but I see now it was a good story!. First Ch is a bit steamy,(: but it's only til the next ch you see the ship sailing!