User Reviews For: The Monster & The Ghost


Given the R18 rating - I'm going to assume this takes a turn sometime in the future. Not sure if means its going to be a smutty turn or a violent one - time will tell. So far, the story follows the MC who is a high delinquent, that has been rejected by his family and society in general. After randomly preventing a woman being assaulted in an alleyway, he is followed home by a ghost - a former student from his new school. This ghost seems to be the MC's catalyst for change - revealing he has a much softer side... Keen to see where this story goes

The art is fucking PHENOMENAL!!!!!! Also, I love the interaction between the MCs. I have a theory for how I think (maybe more desperately hope) the story will play out cause I so badly want them to end up together safe, healthy, and happy. So possible spoiler below depending on how the story unfolds...MY THEORY: I don't think he's a ghost, as in dead. I think his body is in a comatose state and his mind(?) - maybe like astral projection - is unintentionally wandering and happened to find Tsubaki. Please let them be together. Please, Author.

Chapter 9 has me regretting buying it before the next chapter comes out. ( ゚□゚) What a cliffhanger!I cannot even.This is such a great series with a fantastic relationship developing. I need to know more. I need to see how this is going to go.

Ahh it's such a cute story. The art is phenomenal ??. Can't wait to see upcoming chapters!!!

Beautiful art and a sweet story. I really enjoy it. So far 5 beautiful chapters have been released and I hope to get to see more of Himemikos stunning art in the future.