
HorseObsessed's Reviews & Ratings

I don't like to write reviews this soon, I like to wait until I've read the entire story before writing one but this time is different. I love the story and the artwork is very good. I recommend this title. :3
There's a cute premise, I would like to have seen a longer story. I'd've like to have seen a scene with the parents. &, IT'S IN COLOR! *GASP* I LOVE THAT! If, however, you're looking for smut, there isn't any. This is a cute little romp. :()
Number 1: Congratulations on quitting smoking! I have a few deceased smokers in my family, Congratulations & Good Luck staying Smoke Free! :() Number 2: The Adult MLs are pretty Hot! (Good Work on that). The Artwork & Stories are very good. I look forward to reading more of this Mangakas work. :()
The Butler is Hot. The Master is not even cute. I like the Artwork, Story. The Story, Characters could've been developed more. If you want a cute short read, try this one. :)
I Love the Artwork, again!, HEHE This is another one with very Intricate, very Good Artwork! DON'T GIVE IN TO THE SHADOW/GHOST PEOPLE TEMPLATE!!! PLEASE DON'T!!! Seriously though, I think it takes away from the quality of the Artwork. :() So Please don't use the Shadow/Ghost People Template. :() This is a very good, story learning about Relationships, Building Communication Skills, & Sex. I think it is what the Title says (the English Title anyway, I'm afraid I don't know what the Japanese Title translates as). I Highly Recommend this one. ;()
I Love the artwork! :() The Backgrounds are very Intricate! :() I Love the Banter between the 2 MLs. The smut is pretty good. I think the smut scenes could've been longer, the story also could've been longer. Try this one. :()
I don't get that extra about the airport guys. That seems to come out of left field. It's 2 pages, I would've liked to have read more about them. Maybe the author could build a full story with them in the future. I thought the Title Story was lackluster, the stand-alones were better. :|
Both stories are so cute! Though the small restaurant owners backstory is a little sad I'll let you find out for yourselves about that. ;() The artwork is very good. I recommend this one. ;()
I'd been wanting this title for a while & just picked it up(Sales are Great)! HAHA. Anyway, the artwork is beautiful, the story is good. The location is unique (in a good way). To my knowledge, I don't remember reading a story with a Lighthouse as the backdrop, of course at the moment I have +1300 books in My Library. HAHA. The Characters have a lot of depth to them. I do like this story. :)
Warning: The Younger, (in Highschool) Brother does Sexually Assault the Older Brother. So if that fact is a Total Turn Off for you, (it only covers about 4 pages), the Older Brother does clear it up & set the boundary that he only loves him as his Younger Brother, & forgives him. I, personally don't think I could, I'd be scared of him. But then again, this is just a story. However, the interaction between the 2 MLs is cute. Despite what the Younger Brother did to his Older Brother. I still recommend this. :)