
HorseObsessed's Reviews & Ratings

I like the artwork quite a bit. The MLs are drawn rather cutely. The story has got some interesting things to it. :)
I Love the artwork & story Alot. Both Leads & Mr. Tan are drawn beautifully. I Highly Recommend this one. :()
I REALLY LIKE this story ALOT! The artwork is pretty good, there's only one sec scene, but, it's not explicit. So if you're looking for smut, you won't find it here. It's just a cute, funny, slow burn story. I recommend this one. :()
This one is so cute! & funny! I recommend this one. :()
This is a very good story, it's slow paced. There's not much smut. I like it quite a bit. ;()
I bought this one before & thought I'd written a review for it, but I guess not. The artwork is good, I really like the High School & College stories, but I don't like the Chubby Chaser one at all, it was cute, but, it just doesn't click with me. All the stories in here are very funny. I recommend this one. ;()
I love the stories. The background artwork was great, all of the artwork is very intricate. That said, the proportions of the characters were not drawn well. I think it improved as the book went on (a little). The author used the Shadow/Ghost People Template. *GROAN*,*SIGH* As I was reading this, I realized I'd rented this one before, I loved the stories then too. As it turns out, I guess the artwork is a bigger player for me than I thought. I still recommend this one. :()
I love the stories in here, they're so cute fun ('Renji Jumonji...' is very funny too, I forgot to add that into my review of that title). They both got me laughing. Check this one out, I upgraded this one almost immediately. ;()
The artwork is retro, mostly nice; how do I put this, too much black, the greys are too dark. It's just too hard on my eyes. At the beginning, I wasn't into the story, but, it got better as it went on. I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll keep it or not, but, this is on a 48 hr. Option, so I have a few hours yet. Rent this if you like Yaoi Police stories. Keep in mind, there's not much smut. I love the personality of the MC, Daisuke, the face & personality of an innocent Angel on the outside,a Sadistic Sex Demon on the inside. The love interest, the older Renji is actually, I think, the innocent, naive one, Renji's also the bottom. :/
OMG!!! I LOVE ALL OF THE STORIES!!! They're all so funny &cute!!! The artwork is great. I VERY HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ONE!!! ;()