
theakaneko's Reviews & Ratings

Loved the split between GL and BL, and enjoyed seeing the two mains interact. The ending was very abrupt, and it feels like there is quite a bit more story (the stalker, how the two would get together for real, what is going on in their acting career after The Act)... But everything out so far (3 chapters and saying complete) is really interesting and fun!
This story keeps me coming back for more... Can't wait to see what happens next on the way to her well deserved (and well thanked!) HEA, as well as watching what happens to those awful people who exiled her getting their just rewards.Great art, plenty of drama and excitement, and makes you feel good.
What a fun story! 4.5 stars...I loved the interactions between Lloyd and Linka, and how much could be conveyed between them with her not being able to talk, and how his various jobs he's had come in handy.It loses points with me for not being their complete story (pretty jampacked, but still only volume 1 of 3 apparently). I'd have liked to see more of their adventures, but this series ends right after they officially party up... And without the problems in the title solved.TLDR: This series is completed but the story not finished. It is amazing as is, but there is more story that might need to be sought out and potentially translated to get the ending. Overall, I very enjoyed.
These two dont seem like they would be a good pair, but it strangely works for them. I am not terribly thrilled he doesn't stop when she tells him to, and there are still (25 volumes in) lots of plot threads that I'm worried wont get solved by the end, but as a whole I am enjoying it.
Awwww, I love this <3 especially after The Red String of Fate, seeing Kaoru's struggles being soothed by Hara's love was amazing. Def want more of this world!
This has an interesting premise, and I wish there was more. The way it ends feels like there should be. The lettering can be a little hard to read and follow at times, but over all it is a good story with characters you like.
... that was it? That is the end? It started really strong in volume one and was still moving. What happens next?! I enjoyed it enough to have spent the points, but what an unsatisfying "complete" notification.
Wow. Just wow. This is a take that is rarely seen and usually not that well pulled off. But it is here. I wish we could have seen a little more of their after life as well as seen what happens with yuma's friends. But over all a fun story and well done.
Aww! This couple is so cute, and it is something so rarely seen (tall girl x short guy). The story is really fun and interesting with great pacing, and I loved seeing what unusual challenges this couple got to have. So glad I got this ? I am a little sad it is over; wish we could spend more time with them.
Oh my! Between the meat puns, the innuendoes, how delicious all the "meating" foods sound, this was a great series. Hot and steamy in several ways, and a ton of fun to read! And our couple are adorbs together!