
Fado's Reviews & Ratings

Scrumptious!!! Delectable!!! Holy smokes!!! Pokerou is absolutely one of my new favorites and I will be buying absolutely EVERYTHING they put out from now on!!!!!!!!!!!! The art, the smut, the character dynamics, GAHH!!!!!
Hon Toku's art is absolutely GORGEOUS. That alone would be enough to net this series 5 stars. Unfortunately, the plot and characters are quite weak. The first chapter or so is quite strong, but it becomes clear pretty quickly that Hon Toku's strengths are currently in their oneshots, or at least that they've got some ways to go before they can write a multi chapter series. The romance was extremely rushed and bizarre, and the MC felt like he became a different person after the first chapter. I also feel that including two ex boyfriends, while funny, detracted from the amount of time the MC and his love interest got to spend together.Definitely pick up if you want some really really beautiful art, but don't expect an amazing story.
Really cute, with a great bonus story at the end! I'm a sucker for crossdressing in general, but I thought the leads in this had really good chemistry, and it was so nice to see them pursuing their interests together!
A very cute collection of two stories! I felt like the writing was a little weaker in the first than the second, but both have very nice art. The first is great if you like feminine tops, but the second, shorter story, will be more your style if you like slutty bottoms.