
Capitulate's Reviews & Ratings

Woo boy! This one is stooopid. The plot is nearly incomprehensible from the beginning, and just goes downhill from there. All of the characters are inconsistent except for the old man and Mayumi(who is a witch from the beginning right up until nearly the last volume here). The MC in another story might have been alright, but in this hot mess seems ridiculous. The male lead is all over the place, and the doctor is a decent character that fell victim to a lousy plot. The storytelling is also very inconsistent. Half the time situations seemed to be taking place, then in the next few scenes everyone was behaving like those things never happened. The art is nice, and it was sexy on occasion when it wasn't being creepy, but after the fourth chapter I started skipping ahead cause of the silliness. I ended up reading way more of this than I'd like to admit because I was entertained/fascinated with how it just kept getting dumber. Maybe this is so bad that it's good? Nah, not really.
I don't regret spending the points for this, but some might. If you're looking for some decent character and story development you won't care for this much. If you just want a sexy male protag and decent racy scenes, this one will work for you.
I think I wanted to hate this by the end of the first chapter, but the male lead is pretty hot to me. There isn't a lot of story or character development here. The MC doesn't have a ton of personality, and the story could've shown us more of their risque encounters, and worked harder to convince us that they were in love. It wasn't great, but it's not the worst I've seen on this site.
Getting to know Shirotan was worth the points. He's so incredibly adorable, and the chief isn't too bad either, but that ending was a complete fail. I guess it could've been worse, but it most definitely could've been much better.
This wasn't all that sexy even though it's a story about two self proclaimed sex fiends, but it was pretty funny. The MC is a bit of a drama queen and the male lead seems kinda shallow, but all to comedic affect. This one isn't going to make you swoon, uwu, or doki doki, but it probably will make you lol or at least smirk a bit.
Meh. The characters are all right, but the MC falling in love with the male lead over one compliment when they rarely even speak feels forced. The male lead is nice. He considers himself a perv and talks kinda of crudely. But he's kind, and protective of the MC. He's also a little hung up over his age. Why do so many of these stories act like being in your 30s is so old? The life expectancy in Japan is higher than in the states. Anyway, he's also a fake megane. So, no star for the glasses. I lost interest in this pretty quickly, because the art didn't match the cover at all, the story feels a bit bland, and the racy scenes were boring to me. I didn't realize I'd read another work by this author until I read the other comments. If you've read their other work and you enjoyed the scenes in that one then you'll probably like this one. Story-wise this is better than the other one, but it still couldn't hold my interest.
Not good. There's infidelity. It's blech!
Why isn't there more to this? This was way too short. It should've been at least double the length so we could get a more concrete feel for both of the characters. It would have been nice if things had continued for more than one encounter, and if she'd teased the professor a bit like male students often do their teachers in these sorts of scenarios. Some of the MC's thoughts were pretty unnecessary as well, but it was good for what it was. This site totally needs more stories like this where the girl has her way with the guy. Strong yet vulnerable guys are my jam.
Bought it for the hot megane on the cover even though I was dubious about the description. The hot glasses guy is the only reason I've given this more than 1 star. I'm really sick of these gross, tired plots from crappy hentai for men showing up in manga aimed at women. This isn't romantic at all, and the racy scenes aren't that good. Blech!
Chiyoka's a sword fighting tomboy. Her sister was dumped by an officer. It hasn't shown what happened to her sister after that, but her fate was tragic enough that Chiyoka now hates all officers. So, of course her goofy parents arrange to have her engaged to one. He just happens to be the guy she recently got into a fight with, and he's a bit pent up, pushy, and insensitive. Can't have the two MCs getting along right off the bat, especially with them being hitched from the start. Anyway, some of Yoshimi's insensitivity is really awkwardness from inexperience. It's a classic case of two romantic novices fumbling their way into a meaningful relationship. I dig it when the male protag isn't promiscuous. The art is nice. Yoshimi is hot. He's somewhat robotic at first, but he thaws after a while. Chiyoka is likeable. Physically she's strong, but she's a bit impulsive/reckless. She does fall in love a little too early relative to the pacing of the story, but overall it's a decent read.