Secrets in a Boys Dorm

author :

Yukka Fukushima


Misuzu is way prettier than any girl! Haruto manages to get into the school of his dreams, Seijo Gakuen, and becomes a resident of the student dormitory there. He gets dumped by his long-distance girlfriend, but the beautiful piano he hears from time to time heals him. Is a cute girl from the faculty of music playing it? Suppressing his impatience, Haruto opens the door to the music room, and discovers the beautiful profile of a boy playing the piano. The boy is Sota Misuzu, and Haruto had saved him just days before from a molester on the train. As an apology from Misuzu, who had been unable to speak up despite being molested and ended up fleeing the scene in embarassment, Haruto requests something... A quiet, secret story which unravels at a high school boys dormitory, of a positive high-schooler and his pure-hearted senior.


Yaoi_MangaDormitoryUnder/Upper_ClassmenLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts Completed

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Product Details

author :

Yukka Fukushima

publisher :

ShuCream POP

Rating :


Japanese :

Himegot wa Danshiryou de

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 4 completed

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