My Summer of You

author :

Nagisa Furuya


Chiharu Saeki and Wataru Toda are two high school students who share a common hobby: They love to watch movies. After they meet, they become fast friends, until one day, when Chiharu confesses his love for Wataru. Wataru says that Chiharu's confession doesn't bother him, and the boys continue throughout their summer, going to pilgrimages to see film spots from their favorite movies. But the more time he spends with Chiharu, Wataru realizes that he may not only be as unaffected by Chiharu's confession as he claimed to be, but those feelings may also be mutual...


Yaoi_MangaClassmates Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

author :

Nagisa Furuya

publisher :

Ichijinsha Inc.

Rating :


Japanese :

Kimi ha Natsu no Naka

Localization by :

Ichijinsha Inc.

Item List Current ch. 3 completed

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The Summer of You (My Summer of You Vol. 1)(1)

pages: 264

The Summer With You (My Summer of You Vol. 2)(2)

pages: 238

The Summer With You: The Sequel (My Summer of You Vol. 3)(3)

pages: 278

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October 31, 2022 (JST)
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